Tantra Flow© a Tantric Meditation
"Synchronize your own magnetic field with the cosmic magnetic field which has a complete interconnection with all other humans, other existences, and realms of material existence." Yogi Bhajan
At the origines of Chakra Balance System©, there is Meditation. It takes place in easy pose and will allow to clear the chakras, balance the elements and the energies of the body so that its circulation flows and preparesdynamicly to other practices or to support the everyday’s emotional balance.
It is guided and accompanied at each stage, you will never be alone.
It is a moment of deep contemplation through the use of sounds, visualizations and Mantras. The first steps will be donne through the 7 main Chakras then we will move forward to meet other more subtle energy points.
This type of meditation is said Tantric because it settles the base to access the different approaches to Tantra and understand other types of deeper work.
It is guided and accompanied at each stage, you will never be alone.
It is a moment of deep contemplation through the use of sounds, visualizations and Mantras. The first steps will be donne through the 7 main Chakras then we will move forward to meet other more subtle energy points.
This type of meditation is said Tantric because it settles the base to access the different approaches to Tantra and understand other types of deeper work.
Tantra Flow© une Méditation Tantrique
A la base de Chakra Balance System© se trouve la Méditation. Elle se fait assis et va permettre d’équilibrer les éléments et les énergies du corps pour que la circulation reprenne et offre un dynamisme propice à d’autres pratiques ou tout simplement à l’équilibre émotionnel de tous les jours. Elle est guidée et accompagnée à chaque étape, vous ne serez jamais seul.e. C’est un moment de recueillement profond grâce à l’utilisation de son, de visualisations et de Mantras.
Ce type de méditation se dit tantrique parce qu’elle pose les bases pour accéder aux différentes approches du Tantra.
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